Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Review: Twilight The Graphic Novel Volume 1

It only took me about 10-15 minutes to read so this is going to be a short review.

I was surprised at how much I actually enjoyed it as I'm not the biggest Twilight fan to begin with. I have never read a graphic novel before either, though I have been meaning to for awhile.

Young Kim did an amazing job and every page is absolutely gorgeous. The only problem I had with it was that it came to an end so abruptly. I wish it was a little bit longer.

In the end would I recommend it to my friends? Yes, I would. It's a fast, beautiful read. I may even take a few minutes later this week and read it again.

My rating: 3 out of 5


  1. What a lovely coincidence that we reviewed Twilight's graphic novel on the same day! I think we both felt similarly too - beautiful artwork for a book we alraedy love.

    I see you're also a Cassandra Clare fan - I just read the first book and I LOVED it!
